Tuesday 23 September 2014

Woman Gets Third Boobs Implant To Scare Men Away (photos)

21 year old American Jasmine Tridevil, claimed she had plastic surgery to create a third breast to scare men away. And now she wants her own MTV reality show.

The woman who is based in Tampa Florida, shares pictures on her Facebook page to 'show the struggles she faces because of her surgery.' She said her main reason for getting a third breast was because she didn't want to appear attractive to men.

"I got the surgery because I wanted to turn off guys. I know it sounds crazy but I don’t want to date again ever. I still like to feel pretty. If I got a third breast implant most guys would think that’s weird and gross. But I can still feel pretty. I’m starting a reality show called Jasmine’s Jugs and my ultimate goal is to get it onto MTV. That’s my dream.”she wrote on FB

Jasmine claims she's spent $20,000 on the procedure a few months ago, after struggling to find a doctor who would perform the operation.

“I called 50 doctors. It was really hard finding someone that would do it too because they’re breaking the code of ethics.” she said

She claims her third breast was made using an implant and skin tissue cut from her abdomen. She said her parents didn't react well when they found out

“My mum ran out the door. She won’t talk to me. She won’t let my sister talk to me. My dad, he really isn’t happy. He is kind of ashamed of me but he accepted it.”

A 30-year old man has allegedly raped a 20-year old girl in Lagos, southwest Nigeria and uploaded her pictures on the internet.


                                                          Olaniyan Oluwakayode                                            

The suspect, Olaniyan Oluwakayode, who hails from Osun State, allegedly raped the girl in his apartment at Ifako area of Lagos. He was arrested by the police and brought to the Lagos State Ministry of Women Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, WAPA, in handcuffs.

The victim (name withheld) from Akwa Ibom State, alleged that after being raped, Oluwakayode snapped her pictures despite pleas from his sister to desist from such barbaric act, saying Oluwakayode was never her boyfriend as he claimed.

“He stops me anytime I am going to work. He approached me and I told him I was not ready to give him a reply. I did not go to his house. On my way back from work on Tuesday last week, I saw someone running out of his house, because there is a bush around their compound so he jumped from the fence down and held my hand and said he wants to do what’s on his mind.

“So I asked him why would he do what’s on his mind when I have not even accepted his advances, he said he would do what is on his mind today; so he dragged me into the bush. When I wanted to shout, he brought out a knife and said if I shouted, he would kill me there.

“So from the bush, he dragged me to his house and locked the door. I tried all I could to open it but I couldn’t because the door is an iron door and very strong.

 He used his legs to hold my neck, he tore my skirt, my pant and my bra. He beat me very well on my head, neck and body and removed my pant and he slept with me. After he finished sleeping with me, I couldn’t shout again because he was beating me for forcing me to open my legs. When I refused, he also held my neck so I couldn’t shout,” she alleged.

According to her, when Oluwakayode’s sister came back around to 9.00pm, she asked her brother to open the door, asking him if he wanted to kill somebody’s else child.

The victim said when he heard his sister shouting, he took her to the second room and still slept with her after which she urinated on the floor.

“His sister then came through the second window and pleaded with him to let me go, telling him that if she was the person that was being treated like that, would he be happy about it? I started crying. I am 20 years old and I work as an Office Assistant and I learnt Fashion Designing.

“He has been asking me out for a long time. I was never his girlfriend, I have my own boyfriend. He raped me with pains, even his sister was crying and he snapped me immediately and his sister even said she will call his mother because even if she was the one they did that thing to, he would even over react,” she stated.

The suspect, Oluwakayode denied raping her, saying she was his girlfriend.

“I was fighting with my girlfriend but they are accusing me of raping her. I never deny the fact that I snapped her picture when she was naked. We were fighting inside, but any other allegation levelled against me is a big lie. The only thing I did which I do not deny is that I snapped her naked picture.
“We were fighting inside and she has been hurting me for a very long period and we had an issue which made me delete her number. Last week, she flashed me. When I saw the strange number, I called the number back immediately. When I heard her voice, I asked her what she wanted because she told me that her name was Blessing, until we had the issue and she said her name is Comfort,” he explained.

According to him, he met her passing by in June when he approached her to ask her for her phone number, which she obliged.

“Immediately, I called her and on her way back, she flashed me and I called her back and we met. She even came to my house and we sat outside and talked. She agreed to date me. There was a day we spoke on phone and she was asking me if I had an apartment, I told her that I didn’t want to rush into anything, that I wanted to settle down in my business. I do branding in my house at Ifako.

“They said I raped her, but one thing is that I have a conscience and she also has a conscience and let our conscience judge. I believe with all the proof, the truth is that I never denied beating her, I did beat her with my head on her face and on her back when she held my manhood; so all the allegation of bringing out a powder, a knife and belt, I did not do it because I have a conscience and she has a conscience, that’s all,” he explained.

Source: PM News

Setting The Record Straight: Boko Haram's Abubakar Shekau is NOT Dead! By Aye Dee

Hopefully this is the last time I have to speak on this. There was a battle between Boko Haram fighters and the NA at Konduga on Friday, September 12th 2014.
In the aftermath of the battle I posted photos of some of Boko Haram's fatalities. I made it abundantly clear that the pictures were those of Boko Haram Conscripts not their more battle tested fighters talk less of Abubakar Shekau himself.
Some mischievous person/people took one of the pictures, tagged it as that of Abubakar Shekau and claimed he was killed during the battle. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Some unnamed sources within the Nigerian Armed Forces and Cameroonian Armed Forces took things further and claimed they had both killed Abubakar Shekau during that battle. Nigeria claimed it happened during the battle for Konduga, Cameroon claims it was in a cross border Air Strike.
Domestic media in Nigeria and global news organizations have picked up this blatantly false story and are all claiming Abubakar Shekau has been killed or may have been killed. None of the have bothered to ask me, the person who posted the original picture, if it was Shekau or where the picture was taken.
If this doesn't settle the 'Shekau' is dead meme once and for all, nothing will
Aye Dee Is Africa & Middle East Public Policy and Security Expert. Editor-In-Chief, The 15 Past 8 Media Group