Tuesday 23 September 2014

Setting The Record Straight: Boko Haram's Abubakar Shekau is NOT Dead! By Aye Dee

Hopefully this is the last time I have to speak on this. There was a battle between Boko Haram fighters and the NA at Konduga on Friday, September 12th 2014.
In the aftermath of the battle I posted photos of some of Boko Haram's fatalities. I made it abundantly clear that the pictures were those of Boko Haram Conscripts not their more battle tested fighters talk less of Abubakar Shekau himself.
Some mischievous person/people took one of the pictures, tagged it as that of Abubakar Shekau and claimed he was killed during the battle. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Some unnamed sources within the Nigerian Armed Forces and Cameroonian Armed Forces took things further and claimed they had both killed Abubakar Shekau during that battle. Nigeria claimed it happened during the battle for Konduga, Cameroon claims it was in a cross border Air Strike.
Domestic media in Nigeria and global news organizations have picked up this blatantly false story and are all claiming Abubakar Shekau has been killed or may have been killed. None of the have bothered to ask me, the person who posted the original picture, if it was Shekau or where the picture was taken.
If this doesn't settle the 'Shekau' is dead meme once and for all, nothing will
Aye Dee Is Africa & Middle East Public Policy and Security Expert. Editor-In-Chief, The 15 Past 8 Media Group

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