Saturday 11 October 2014

Police orderly arrested for gang raping a 17 year old girl in Kano state, Nigeria

A police orderly attached to the Executive Chairman of Kabo Local Government Council of Kano State and four others have been arrested for allegedly gang-raping a 17-year-old girl at gunpoint. The Police Corporal, whose identity is being concealed by Kano State Police Command, was said to have conspired with four other persons to carry out the act by using his service pistol to subdue the lady at a location at Shanono, headquarters of Shanono Local Government Area.

A security source confided in Vanguard that the chief suspect, a tall randy police officer, had been apprehended and kept behind bars, alongside his accomplices, pending the
outcome of internal investigations. The source said: “A Police Corporal has been arrested and
taken to state Criminal Investigation Department for investigation over the complaint that him and two others gang raped a lady.

“It is suspected that the lady was threatened. You know orderlies that are attached to VIPs are normally armed. So as I speak with you, a police corporal and two other suspects have been detained for raping a lady in Shanono Local Government and the police officer is the orderly to
Kabo Local Government chairman.

“It was a gang rape; the case is with the police authorities and they are handling the matter. We know that the suspects have been detained; we are waiting to know what
would come up next.”

Police story
When contacted, the acting Police Public Relations Office of Kano State Command, ASP Mustapha Abubakar, confirmed the incident in a phone chat. ASP Mustapha said: “Yes, it is true our officer was involved in a gang rape and the affected officer and his accomplices have been taken into custody.

“We have in our custody the police orderly and four other suspects. The CID has commenced investigations to get to the root of the matter. “

The Kano Police spokesman disclosed that the suspects would be charged to court when investigations were completed.


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