Tuesday 17 March 2015


National Coordinator of Odua Peoples Congress (OPC), Gani Adams, has said leaders of the All Progressives Congress (APC) are afraid that President Goodluck Jonathan may not renew their oil well licences in September if he is re-elected on March 28.

He said this yesterday in Lagos when the Coalition of Concerned Nigerians staged a rally against the continued stay of Prof. Attahiru Jega as the chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC).

“It is ridiculous that the APC has accused us of collecting money from the Federal Government for the elections. We are Nigerians and everyone is entitled to vote or support whomever he/she choses to

The national leader of the APC and many APC stalwarts got oil wells from the Federal Government. One of the reasons that they don’t want Jonathan back is because the president is going to sign for the renewal of oil well licenses in September and they are afraid that he would work against their interest.
As far as we are concerned, the onslaught against the president is more economical than political,” Adams alleged.

He also accused Jega of partisanship in the run-up to the general polls, insisting that he must go on terminal leave and be replaced with a more credible administrator before the elections.

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