Friday 20 March 2015

Shun Desperation, Jonathan Tells Nigerian Politicians

Nigeria will be a better place if those who want to hold public offices from Councilors to Governors or President can shun desperation in a bid to get to such positions, President Goodluck Jonathan said on Friday.

President Goodluck Jonathan was speaking at the lunch of a book ‘The People’s Choice’ – the story of President Goodluck Jonathan written by Reverend Father Imokhai.

President Jonathan said he had never been unruffled by the desire to hold public office even when he was ready to serve. He urged all Nigerian politicians to do same.

A Humble Beginning
President Jonathan said that his story, told in the book, was meant to inspire young Nigerians, especially those who were now in the Almajirin schools he built in northern Nigeria.

The President insisted that if a Jonathan could be the President of Nigeria, anyone of them could make it in the future.

He described his story as a humble beginning that could not have been possible without education.
The book launch attracted the big wigs in the political scene including former Head of State General Yakubu Gowon (Rtd).

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