Friday 13 June 2014

Egypt court acquits Mubarak-era minister

An Egyptian court has acquitted a former interior minister who served under Hosni Mubarak of corruption, three years after he was sentenced to 12 years in jail by another court.

Al Jazeera reports that a cassation court had ordered the retrial of Habib al-Adly, who had been convicted of money-laundering and illicitly enriching himself.

The charges of which he was acquitted on Thursday were linked to the sale of land owned by him. Adly was acccused of tasking police officials with finding a buyer who would pay the highest possible price.

However, the disgraced ex-minister, who ran Mubarak’s security services for more than a decade before a popular uprising overthrew the strongman in 2011, will remain in detention.

In February, a court upheld a three-year jail sentence handed to Adly for taking advantage of his position and forcing police conscripts to work on his private property.

He was also sentenced to life in prison along with Mubarak in 2012 over the kilings of protesters in the 2011 uprising, but a court later overturned the verdict on technical grounds. Adly and Mubarak are now being retried along with six police commanders.

Bangladeshi hostages in Somalia return home

Seven Bangladeshi sailors, held hostage by Somali pirates for almost four years, have returned home, comparing their experience to “hell”, Al Jazeera reports.

The sailors, who had been held in dire conditions and suffered beatings, flew into the Bangladeshi capital on Thursday after lengthy negotiations to free them.

“Every day in captivity was like hell. We were not given proper food. They used to torture us on almost every day for ransom,” Abul Kashem, one of sailors, told reporters at Dhaka airport.”


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