Thursday 31 July 2014

Enugu Deputy Governor Fires Back, Says “My Ordeal Is Shameful”

       Mr. Sunday Onyebuchi, Enugu state Deputy Governor

The embattled Deputy Governor of Enugu State, Mr. Sunday Onyebuchi, has fired back insisting that he was not guilty of the alleged acts of gross misconduct in the performance of his official functions brought against him.

He presented detailed defence to the three charges preferred against him including the operation of commercial poultry in his official residence and his alleged “habitual disobedience” to the directives of Governor Sullivan Chime to represent him at two functions in Onitsha and Enugu.

The Deputy Governor, who noted that he had worked closely with Governor Chime, who at one time described him as “reliable and loyal deputy who understands the working of government” said it was a shame that allegation of disobedience should be leveled against him few months to the end of their tenure.

“I have over the years remained a loyal deputy, and it is a shame that it is merely a few months to the end of our second tenure that I have had these allegation leveled against me. I make bold to say that I have always considered the Governor a brother and a friend,” he stated in his response a copy of which The Advocate obtained from the State Assembly Thursday morning ahead of the lawmaker’s deliberation on the issue.

Onyebuchi said that Nigeria “is a budding democracy with a very bright future. His Excellency, Barrister Sullivan Chime has indeed been a blessing to Enugu State and there is a lot to be thankful to him for. There is no doubt that when two persons work together in the constitutional marriage termed Governor and Deputy Governor, misunderstandings will arise from time to time. The duty of the Deputy Governor is clear. It is to take instructions from and carry out the directives of the Governor”.

On the allegation that he operated a commercial poultry in his official residence contrary to a resolution of the Enugu State House of Assembly passed on 12 February 2013 prohibiting the maintenance and operation of commercial livestock and poultry farms within residential neighborhoods in Enugu metropolis, Onyebuchi said that “I was never served with any such resolution of the Enugu State House of Assembly nor was any such resolution ever brought to my notice by any official of the Enugu State Government”.

He explained: “On assumption of office in May 2007, there was an existing official residence for the Deputy Governor of Enugu State. On inspection of the premises I observed that it had on its grounds an area designated and fenced as an Agricultural Unit, with facilities for amongst other things, a poultry farm. I commenced operation of a poultry on the premises in 2008 with technical support from ENADEP and the Commercial Agricultural Programme of the State Ministry of Agriculture. The said poultry farm was declared in my Asset Declaration and inspected by the Code of Conduct Bureau.

“It is important to state that the structure for the said poultry farm was built by Dizengorf WA Limited during the regime of late Chief M. I. Okpara. The first occupant of the premises was late Chief Nwodo and he operated a poultry farm there. Subsequent occupants of the premises, up to my immediate predecessor in office, operated poultry farms in the premises. Similar structures were built by Chief Okpara in most of what was then known as ‘Ministers’ Quarters’.

“Indeed, till date, the Government House, Enugu, also has an Agricultural Unit, larger than the one in my official quarters, where a large poultry farm continues to be maintained. The policy under the Okpara regime was to encourage public office holders to engage in farming especially poultry.

“No complaint of any environmental or health hazard from the said poultry was made to me or brought to my attention between 2008 and November 2013.

“On 27 December 2013, two letters were delivered to my office. The first letter dated 24th December 2013 with reference No. GHE/CAO/31/239 from the Chief of Staff to the Governor, was headed “Operation of a Commercial Poultry Farm in the Residence of His Excellency, the Deputy Governor. It stated that the attention of Government had been drawn to the fact that I had ‘erected or built or permitted to be erected or built commercial poultry farm’ within my official quarters ‘contrary to the Statutory Certificate of Occupancy purpose clause’ which according to the letter required that the land be used for residential purposes only. The letter demanded that I take urgent and necessary action to stop forthwith the operation of the poultry in my official residence. I attach and mark as Annexure 1 a copy of the said letter

“The second letter from the Chief of Staff was dated 27 December 2013 with reference No. GHE/CAO/31/240 and headed ‘Final Notice/Request to Stop or relocate the Commercial Poultry Farm in Official Residence’. This time, I was given 14 days to comply with the directive to relocate the poultry. I attach and mark Annexure 2 a copy of the said letter.

“My feelings about the two letters were made known in my response to the letters wherein I pointed out that (i) both letter were delivered the same day, i.e., 27 December 2013; (ii)the statement in both letters that my official residence was covered by a Certificate of Occupancy, containing a purpose clause to use the premises for residential purposes only, was untrue; (iii) my official quarters had within it a section designated as an Agricultural Unit, including a portion used as a poultry farm which I had inherited from my predecessors in office.

“For ease, I attach and mark Annexure 3 a copy of my said letter.

“I did not refuse to carry out the directives of the relevant officials of the Government. The main reason stated in the letters issued to me for requiring the relocation of the poultry farm was the fact that I was in breach of the purpose clause of the certificate of occupancy covering my official residence. I still say that there is no such certificate of occupancy in existence in respect of the Deputy Governor’s official residence.

“I also wish to point out that in all the correspondence, no mention was made of any resolution of the Enugu State House of Assembly prohibiting the maintenance and operation of a poultry farm within residential neighborhoods in Enugu metropolis.

“I did not also intimidate any official of the Government. Permit me to point out that on Monday 27 January 2014 officials from the Enugu State Capital Development Authority and the Ministry of Environment went to my official residence and carted away all the birds in my poultry farm in the presence of pressmen and journalists. My wife, my aides and I watched helplessly while the operation took place. Since then, I have not been told what happened to the over 3000 birds nor has anyone volunteered information on the subject.

“The pressmen and journalists (who were not invited by me), interviewed me and other officials of Government and in accordance with my right to freedom of expression guaranteed by the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, I told them my own side of the story.

“Besides answering questions from the journalists, I did not deploy the resources or powers of my office to castigate the Government or its officials, nor did I impugn or denigrate the authority or office of the Governor or embarrass the Government.

“Permit me to point out, that the operation of the said poultry had nothing to do whatsoever with the performance of the functions of my office as the Deputy Governor of Enugu State.

“I also wish to point out that in September 2012, I was instructed to vacate my official residence so that renovation work could be carried out on the premises. I duly complied with this directive and moved into my private residence. Till date, the renovation of the premises has been abandoned. I have not been provided alternative accommodation nor an allowance in lieu of accommodation. I have not complained or made a fuss about this in the belief that I should take such in my stride.

“I also wish to point out that resolutions passed by the Enugu State House of Assembly are not served on my office as the Deputy Governor or in any other manner brought to my attention. This is why I was not aware of the said resolution passed on 12 February 2013.

“I therefore believe that based on my explanations set out above, I have not abused my office by maintaining a poultry farm in the portion of my official residence designated as a agricultural unit, nor did my reply to the letters from the Chief of Staff constitute intimidation of a government official. I did not also refuse to comply with a law or other lawful demand requiring me to relocate the poultry. I was not aware of the resolution of the House of Assembly referred to in the Notice. I was only waiting for a response on the submissions I made in my said reply, when officials of the Government came and carried out an operation in which the birds were carted away to a place which I have not been informed till today”.

On the second allegation that he “habitually refuse, fail or neglect to carry out and or perform the functions of my office as directed by the Governor pursuant to section 193(1)”, the Deputy Governor dismissed the allegation as untrue saying he had had faithfully carried out the instructions of the governor since they were jointly elected in 2007.

“Since I was elected the Deputy Governor of Enugu State in 2007 and following my re-election in 2011, I have represented His Excellency, the Governor at numerous events. The practice has always been that I am informed that I am to represent the Governor at an event in any of three ways: (i) a manifest is circulated showing my activities and the events I am to attend to represent the Governor; (ii) I receive direct instructions from the Governor to represent him at events personally and the directives include, what I am to say and do; and (iii) When the Governor is on vacation, the Governor would usually ask/instruct me on the actions I can take on his behalf in his absence.

“With due respect, it is not correct that on 11 March 2014 I refused the directive of the Governor to represent him at the flag off ceremony of the construction of the 2nd Niger Bridge in Onitsha by the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, President Goodluck Jonathan. The directive was duly conveyed to me and I complied with it. I was present throughout the ceremony and sat in a very prominent place where my presence was captured by television cameras and pressmen. Sitting beside me on the said date, was the Deputy Governor of Anambra State, His Excellency, Dr. Nkem Okeke. I have a video showing my attendance at the event. (See attached).

“Let me start by saying that on June 9, 2014, HE the Governor commenced his 2014 annual vacation. This was made public through various news media. He did not tell me to take any action on his behalf pending his return, and I am not aware that he sent a formal letter to the Enugu State House of Assembly informing the House that he was proceeding on vacation.

“The Governor did not tell me to take any action on his behalf pending his return, neither did he tell me that he would pass instructions to me through a third party. I did not receive instructions from him personally, by phone or in writing asking me to represent him at the meeting of the South East Governors Forum that took place in Enugu on July 6, 2014. I did not have any reason not to represent him if he had so instructed me to do so.

“ I do not think it is appropriate for a Deputy Governor to act in the absence of the Governor deriving authority from a subordinate or based on press release to the effect that the Governor handed over to his Deputy. (See attached)”, Onyebuchi stated.

Continuing, the Deputy Governor said, “When the Governor resumed duty after his vacation, I represented him at various occasions even after he had asked me to resign.

“On Friday 18, July 2014, I represented the Governor at the commissioning of the Power Training Institute at Oji River with the Hon. Minister of Labour, Chief Emeka Wogu. On Monday 21 July, 2014, while my impeachment notice was being signed by the Honourable members of the Enugu State House of Assembly at Government House Enugu, I was at Udi representing the Governor at the commissioning of the FRSC Academy at Udi with the then Corp Marshall, Osita Chidoka.

“I wish to place on record the fact that when the Governor spent a prolonged period abroad in 2013, I held forte for him and represented him at various events. It is not correct to say that I have defied the Governor’s directives, or persisted in defying his directives”.

Onyebuchi, a native of Isiogbo Nara in Nkanu East Local Government Area, who had put in 27 years of service in the Civil Service of Anambra/Enugu States and rose through the ranks to the position of Permanent Secretary, once served as a Social Mobilization Officer in the defunct Directorate of Social Mobilization. He also served as the Principal Private Secretary to the Governor, and finally, as the Commissioner for Works and Transport in the immediate past administration in Enugu State.

During his time as a member of the State Executive Council, the present Governor of Enugu State, Barrister Sullivan Chime, was also a member of the State Executive Council in his capacity as the Honourable Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice and both of them had a very cordial relationship.

“In 2007, I was nominated by our party, the Peoples Democratic Party, as the running mate for Governor Chime, who was the party’s candidate for the post of Governor. We won the election and we were sworn in on 29 May 2007. I had an excellent working relationship with His Excellency, and during the campaigns of 2011 His Excellency acknowledged this and described me in a speech to the party’s supporters as a “reliable and loyal deputy who understands the working of government”.

“The Governor chose me as his running mate in the 2011 election. This election we also won”, he stated while reminding the lawmakers of his background.

Daily Post.

Plight of Ebola survivors

VICTORIA Yillah, is identified as the first person to be cured of the deadly Ebola virus in Sierra Leone. Victoria was pregnant when she was discharged from hospital in the eastern city of Kenema after hovering for weeks between life and death battling the tropical disease.
Gloria Tumwijuke (with microphone), Alice Ngonzi Isoke (folding hands in red dress), Diana Alinaitwe (behind Alice), Mrs Isoke (Alice’s mother), an unidentified health worker(on Gloria’s right) and a granddaughter to Mrs Isoke – all Ebola survivors narrating their ordeal at Kagaadi Hospital during the function to officially declare Uganda Ebola free. Photo courtesy WHO

“I am thankful to God to have survived the ordeal. I can hardly say more, I am overjoyed,” she told the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation. Health officials in Kenema say no other Sierra Leonean had been given the all-clear before Yillah’s recovery, although three more unnamed survivors have since been announced.
“Victoria was among people tested and confirmed as having the Ebola disease. She tested positive three times,” said district medical officer Mohamed Vandi. “We are thankful that we didn’t lose her. The family is grateful to God and to all others that fought to save her life,” said her husband Saidu.
Acclaimed survivor
Victoria isn’t the only acclaimed survivor of Ebola disease. The World Health Organisation reported seven survivors in 2002 after the disease broke out in Kibaale district, South Western Uganda. One them was Gloria Tumwijuke, a midwife, who contracted Ebola in the course of her duty. “I will continue to love and serve”, she vowed as she was introduced as one of the survivors of Ebola.
In tears, Gloria narrated how she unknowingly contracted Ebola while helping a mother in labour. “I came in contact with her blood which is common in my  work, but after one week, I fell sick with symptoms of Ebola”, she narrated. Her condition deteriorated and she was eventually transferred to Mulago National Referral Hospital in Kampala for advanced care.
The Uganda Virus Research Institute in Entebbe was quick in testing Gloria’s blood sample. Within hours UVRI positively confirmed the Ebola virus as the cause of her illness  one more example of a dedicated midwife that indeed got the infection in the line of duty. Miraculously, Gloria recovered. “I thank God to be alive, I am just lucky, but I am suffering from the after effects of the disease. I forget a lot and I have lost all my hair as you can see. But doctors tell me I am okay and I will overcome these problems with time”.
But for Alice Ngonzi Isoke, another Ebola survivor, the situation is rather different – even tragic. Alice is from the family with the probable index case and most of the Ebola deaths from this outbreak occurred in her family. “We really suffered; most of my brothers, their wives and my father died. On one day we buried three people and almost all of us at home were sick,” she narrated.
Most of the boys in Alice’s family died, she is now the heir to her father and head of the family. “I am now my mother’s husband, my sister’s father and my child’s grandfather,” she announced  amid laughter and looking at her mother who is also an Ebola survivor.  Alice’s dilemma is compounded by the stigma she and her family have to endure in the village. “Ever since I left the hospital, nobody comes here anymore; people don’t even come to our home. They think we still have Ebola”.
Then there is Diana Alinaitwe, Alice’s sister-in-law who was married to Alice’s young brother who died of Ebola. As the disease claimed lives in Alice’s family where Diana also lived, she decided to return to her father’s home in Manyinja Village, Kyebando Sub County. The fear and stigma for Ebola is so deeply rooted in this community to the extent that Diana was not only rejected by her parents, but also chased away! No amount of explaining and counseling would convince them to accept their own daughter.
Adapted from WHO

The President’s Special Assistant brought 100,000 for the parents | Chibok family gives FULL detail

In reaction to reports over an alleged N100 million given to parents of the abducted Chibok girls by President Goodluck Jonathan, the Kibaku Area Development Association (KADA) has labelled the claims to be completely false.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, the association said that its main objective was/is to secure the release of the remaining 219 abducted girls.

“It is with deep sadness that we are addressing you today to state that the claim is completely false, malicious and unfounded. Our primary priority has and remains the rescue of our abducted 219 daughters. Our Association has been at the forefront of calling for decisive measures to secure their release.

“We took the moral high ground as a Community Association that represents the Chibok people in Abuja to facilitate the recent visit of parents of our abducted daughters and 51 of the 57 that escaped. We helped make that visit possible despite our misgivings that it was a poor substitute to our expectation that Mr. President should have visited Chibok even before the visit of our people for a tragedy that is now 107 days old,” the statement read.

“…the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Special Duties, Dan Adebiyi, visited the hotel 
                  where the parents were hosted and gave the sum of N200,000.00 each to 61 parents…”

Addressing the rumour that the association had received money from the President, it said;
“It is noteworthy that our primary and only goal is the safe return of the girls that are still in captivity.
 It is sad that we are losing sight of this to the allegation of sharing of money.

 We therefore want the world to understand that we, KADA stand by our earlier position and DID NOT DEMAND, RECEIVE OR HANDLE ANY FINANCES throughout the process of the visit”.

The group revealed that on the 22nd of July – the day the President met with parents of the abducted Chibok girls – the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Special Duties, Dan Adebiyi, visited the hotel where the parents were hosted and gave the sum of N200,000.00 each to 61 parents out of the 122 parents that came on the visit. 51 Parents were also given N100,000.00 each on the basis that the money given to him was not enough to go round at N200,000.00. The remaining 10 parents were not given any amount of money.

As for the money given to some parents back home in Chibok, the group said it was the sum of N1,000,000.00 given to them by the Hon. Member of the House of Reps representing Chibok/Damboa/Gwoza Federal Constituency which was the source of the alleged N7,000.00 given to parents in Chibok that were not part of the visit.

The leadership of KADA reiterated the fact that no money was given to the group and that all allegations were completely baseless, false and malicious.