Sunday 13 July 2014

One In 50 Catholic Priest Are Pedophiles -Pope

Pope Francis has said reliable data indicates that “about two per cent” of clergy in the Catholic Church are paedophiles.

 In an interview with the Italian La Repubblica newspaper, the Pope said that abuse of children was like “leprosy” infecting the Church.

 He vowed to “confront it with the severity it demands”.

 In the same interview he said he believed “solutions” existed to problems posed by the prohibition on priests marrying.

 Pope Francis said that the two per cent estimate came from advisers. It would represent around 8,000 priests out of a global number of about 414,000.

 “Among the two per cent who are paedophiles are priests, bishops and cardinals. Others, more numerous, know but keep quiet. They punish without giving the reason,” Pope Francis said.

 “I find this state of affairs intolerable,” he went on.

 Above the interview La Repubblica ran the headline: “Pope says: Like Jesus, I shall use a stick against paedophile priests.”

 Asked about the celibacy rule for priests, Pope Francis recalled that it was adopted 900 years after the death of Jesus Christ and pointed out that the Eastern Catholic Church allows its priests to marry.

 “The problem certainly exists but it is not on a large scale. It will need time but the solutions are there and I will find them.”

 While the incidence of paedophilia in the general population is not accurately known, some estimates have put it at less than five per cent.

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