Sunday 13 July 2014

My wish is to see every child go to school and my Nigerian sisters released from their abduction – Malala

Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani girl-child education campaigner, who survived an assassination attempt by the Taliban, has called on Boko Haram terrorists to free the abducted Chibok school girls.

 The News Agency of Nigeria reports that Malala, who commenced a three-day visit to Nigeria on Saturday, celebrated her 17th birthday in Abuja at a dinner held in her honour at Transcorp Hilton hotel. She spoke exclusively to NAN after the dinner that ended at about 10.40 p.m.“On my 17th birthday my wish is to see every child go to school and I want to see my Nigerian sisters being released from their abduction and I want them to be free to go to school and continue their education,” she said .

 Malala was accompanied to the dinner by her father, Ziauddin Yousafzai and members of Malala Fund, including Shiza Shahid, the 25-year old founder of the organisation.

  A 32-man guest list at the event included members of civil society organisations and representatives of international organisations in Nigeria such as USAID, DFID, British Council and DFID.

 The Managing Director of NAN, Ima Niboro, presented a birthday card and flowers to Malala on behalf of President Goodluck Jonathan.“Thank you Malala for coming to Nigeria, Mr. President personally signed this card, he shares your vision, your dreams and your ambitions and he is happy that you are here,” Niboro told Malala.

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