Wednesday 23 July 2014

Keep Cash For Us, Robbers Tell Ogun Residents

Residents of Elerinko Estate in Ijoko-Ota in Ado-Odo/Ota Local Government Area of Ogun State now live in fear as suspected robbers last Saturday wrote them a letter informing them of an impending attack.

Our correspondent gathered that the suspected robbers pasted notification letter of their impending visit to the estate and advised the residents in their own interest to make cash available for them, since they would invade the community anytime from that date (Saturday).

It was also gathered the residents had been warned not to treat the demand as an empty one.

The hoodlums were said to have pasted the letters on buildings, electric poles and other strategic points in the estate last Saturday before dawn.

According to some of the residents, who pleaded anonymity, told our correspondent that the letters bore the logo of skull and bones.

One of them said,”When we woke up on Saturday, we saw the letters pasted all over the estate asking us to prepare for them, that they are coming.

“The robbers also advised us to keep cash in our homes or withdraw cash from banks to keep at home. They said we had enjoyed peace and no security could stop them.

“You can imagine the panic in the area with many planning to pack out. Please help us.”

The state Police Public Relations Officer, Mr. Muyiwa Adejobi, confirmed that the command was aware of the threat by the robbers but added that the Commissioner of Police has ordered the Area Commander to do the needful.

He, however, said, he had not received a copy of the letter.

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