Friday 11 July 2014

10 for Senate in Abia South

Ten politicians are jostling for the senatorial ticket of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the Abia South District. The seat will be vacant next year when Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe, who is now a governorship aspirant, leaves the Senate. EMMANUEL OLADESU examines the factors and issues that will shape the contest.
Aspirants are warming up for the succession battle in  Abia State. In Abia South Zone, prominent politicians are jostling for the Senate. The seat will become vacant next year when   Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe bows out. The senator, who is a former deputy governor, has unfolded his ambition to rule the state.
The senatorial ticket has always  rotated between the Ukwa and Ngwa ethnic groups. Former Senate President, Chief Adolphus Wabara, who hails from Ohambele, Ukwa East Local Government Area, represented the zone between 1999 and 2007. He was succeeded by  Abaribe, who is from Ngwa.
Out of nine local governments in the district, Ngwa has seven. Ukwa has two. As Ngwa people are jostling for the governorship, Ukwa politicians are eyeing the Senate.
For now, only the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) senatorial aspirants are visible. Aspirants on the platforms of other parties have not come out with their posters. But, sources said that some politicians are also warming up in the All Progressives Congress (APC) and the All Progressives Grand Alliance (UPGA).
PDP aspirants  include Chief Chris Nkwonta, Hon. Uzoma Abonta, Chief Solomon Ogunji, Hon. Asiforo Okere, Hon Emeka Stanley and Chief Don Ubani. These gladiators are from Ukwaland.
Many factors will shape the contest. From 1999, Abia has been represented by colourful politi-cians in the Senate. Therefore, green horns in the race may only be making a futile bid.
In Abia South, electioneering is also expensive. Therefore, the ability of the aspirants to nurture formidable structures and regularly oil the machinery is another factor.
In the zone, primaries are usually held for contenders. The party has its guidelines. The ambition of  aspirants who may not be able to meet the conditions will crumble.
However, some of the aspirants traversing the nooks and crannies of the zone to consult stakeholsers and mobilise support for their candidature, ahead of the primaries, have what it takes to be in the Senate.
A grassroots politician, Nkwonta contested for the seat in 2011 against Abaribe, but, based on the agreement among the stakeholders, Abaribe was returned. Nkwonta is  from Akwete,  Ukwa East local Government Area. he is a successful businessman and  philanthropist. He is  the Chairman/Chief Executive of Southern Star Hotels and Towers, Port Harcourt, and Chairman, SURE-P, Abia State. The Chris Nkwonta Foundation, which he founded, has organised empowerment programmes for youths, students, widows, artisans and peasants.
Declaring his ambition in Akwete, his home town, he said he joined the race to serve the district. Sources said that the politician decided to step down his governorship ambition and opted for the senate, following consul-tations with stakeholders. When he declared his ambition, he also lent support for the senatorial ambition of Governor Theodore Orji. He said Orji has the experience to lead Abia senators in the Upper Chamber next year.
Also in the race is Abonta, a member of the House of Representatives from Ukwa. Constituency. He also hails from Akwete.
Another contender is Ogunji, a native of Ohambele, Ukwa East Local Government.  He is the former Cmmissioner for environment.
Okere is the Deputy Speaker of the House of Assembly.
He was first elected in 2003. The legislator  hails form Ohuru, Ukwa East Local Government. Many youths want him to leave the House next year.  They said he could have performed better as  their repre-sentative.
Emeka Stanley is the Chairman of the Abia State Oil Producing Areas Development Commission (ASOPADEC). He is from Obohia,  Ukwa East Local Government Area.
He was displaced in the House of Representatives by Abonta, who had protested against his victory at the tribunal.  He became the Chairman of ASOPADEC seven months ago, following the appointment of his predecessor, Chief Sam Nwogu, as the NDDC  commissioner representing Abia State. many feel that it is risky for him to abandon the plum job for  the uncertainly of contesting for the Senate.

Ubani is the commissioner for Petroleum Resources. He is from Ukwa West Local Government Area. According to politicians from the area, it may be difficult for him to achieve his aspiration because the  House of Represent-atives slot, which rotates between Ukwa East and Ukwa West, has been zone to his area. They pointed out that Ukwa West cannot have two slots in the National Assembly. Therefore, a source said that he has been advised to seek elective or appointive positions at the state level.


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